Friday 18 May 2012


 One of the first things I learnt about Wicca, was what it is and what it isn't.
 It has nothing to do with the devil or satiates. The devil is a Christian creation and has nothing to do with wicca.  I also learned that there is the horned god that was stolen from paganism and misrepresented. 

Wicca is a spiritual path you will never stop learning (like in life generally). Wicca is adaptabe to suite you. 

 Some wiccans/witches have more than one goddess and god that they work with and give thanks to. the goddess is the point of focus and the god is her co-creator. 

 Wiccans respect the earth and need to have balance both physically and spiritually.
I have been studding wicca for a while now and i still feel a bit unsure when joining in on rituals.

My thoughts on death and the afterlife 

  • That you have had more than one live.
  • That between life’s you go to the Summerland (heaven)
  • Their is good and bad spirits all around us.
  • We all have spirit guides (beings that help us through life)

Books and websites I recommend
i will not put all the books i have down as a)i have not read all of them b)there is 2 that i dont like and would not recommend.

  • The wicca bible by Ann-marie Gallagher
  • The ultimate book of shadows for the new generation solitry witch by Silver Ravenwolf
  • Wicca the complete craft by D.J. Conway
  • Buckland’s complete book of witchcraft by Raymond Buckland (I have not read all of this yet but what I have read so far is good)
  • The Signs & Symbols Bible by Madonna Gauding 
  • The Encyclopedia of Mythology Norse, Greek & Roman, Celtic by Arthur Cotterell 
  • Mythology For Dummies by Dr. Christopher W. Blackwell & Amy Hackney Blackwell 
  • Essential Visual History Of world Mythology by National Geographic 

The website I recommend is This webstie has lots of texts that are now out of copyright. This is a website for pagan based information.

this was first written on Friday the 8th July 2011.

 and updated on Friday the 18th may 2012. 

Till next time bye 

Sam xx 


Since i have moved flats. I have not done much wicca but in the last month i have been adding to my book of shadows. My soon to be wife, bought me some new tarot cards as i did not feel connected to my first set. 

So late last year a few months before we moved i started my new written book of shadows - i haven't really added much to it since i moved but i am slowly building it up.  My hand writing is quite bad, it takes me longer to write things. I also have to make sure i don't get my words around the wrong way. I can't draw and make it artistic like the ones on youtube videos but that don't matter to me; other people won't see it unless i show it to them. 

My book of shadows is a note book, A4 size, about 500 pages and has moveable deviders with pockets. I printed of my cover, and used prick-stick to attached it to the front of my book.  Its white with a pentacle in the middle, on the top left is a triquetra, on the top right is a triple spiral, on the bottom left is yin and yang and on the bottom right is a triple moon.

I have five sections. I am currently using three of them one for general information one for my thoughts and feeling and one for rituals and rites (but i have only got one at the minute).

I've got my book protection, wicca rede, my deities, elements,and information on sabbats 

I still have a lot to add mostly ritual and rites and possibly some spells. 

Till Next time

samantha xx

p.s. -  My wife to be Pipa help me punctuate and use the correct word arrangement, to help me say what i wanted to.

Sunday 29 January 2012


The Wedding part 1 is in July 2011


We now have a wedding venue booked and i am so happy. In the last few months everything has be going so well for us 2012 is going to be an amazing year. The wedding is not going to be a big one as Pipa's parents won't be there because her dad got a job abroad and her mum will be joining him soon so we are now not having a reception as there will only be about 14 people as it is only family and a couple of friends and i can't wait the date is so special to us as it is the date we first met 5 years to the day. i just love that fact it is a small wedding because we are all that matters i would love it just to be us and two witnesses but not won't to upset anyone my not inviting them so a  small wedding it shall be.

Our new flat has two gardens and is just as big as our old one but is much quitter and not really high up  we have our own front door straight in to the garden so happy we moved on the 20th december 2011 we had given up on a move but we did and now the dog has a garden and we have a nice home for after the wedding hopefully it will be decorated by then. For me this is the start of a good thing we have lived together four years in march but this is the first place that has felt like home and safe that the same time and now all i need to do is loss weight for the wedding so way less food and more exercise so on monday the fun will began (well today). 

till next time 



Wednesday 5 October 2011

Doctor Who: The second Part Of Series Six

  • Episode 8: Lets Kill Hitler 
  • Episode 9: Night Terrors 
  • Episode 10: The Girl Who Waited 
  • Episode 11: The God Complex  
  • Episode 12: Closing Time 
  • Episode 13: The Wedding Of River Song 
All of the above episodes are still on but i do not know how long they will be up on the web site for.

Episode 8 loved it Finally see how River Song becomes River song her relationship with the doctor is excellent. Shows that even though in her time line had never met the Doctor before her love for him has always been their. 

Episode 9 was a simple not to complected and how it was about one scared little boy who turned out to be a scared alien boy who was not out to harm anyone was just really scared and the doctor helped him.

Episode 10 i don't think it was one of the best episodes i hated how that the end the old amy had to die and that poor Rory had to pick but i am glad be picked young amy.

Episode 11 was ok never really enjoyed it david was good though was a bit sad that the women doctor died but thats doctor who. Hated how the doctor dropped Amy and Rory off that there new home and just got back in to his Big Blue Box and faded away. 

Episode 12 Crag Owens is back he is a good dad and how he cares for the doctor and does not want anything bad to happen is amazing. The lady that the shopping centre thought that the Doctor and Craig were parters and both dads which was very funny as the doctor never realised what she thought but Craig did and tried to correct her.

Episode 13 River Song and her refusal to kill her beloved Doctor caused time to stop. i loved that start where the doctor was talking to Winston Churchill and the women who is hell in high heels  and how he thought that Amy had forgotten him but she never but poor Rory yet again amy could not remember him but that lest she remembered his name and that she loved him. River and the doctor got married and Amy becomes that doctors mother in law and that he never died but we all knew the doctor would find a way to stop it or at least save himself. 

the first half is in my june section 

till next time bye 

sam x x 

Sunday 18 September 2011

20 Soon (how did this happen)

In October, i'll 20 years old. I will no longer be a teenager -  but since i moved out of my parents house when i was 16; you would think i was grown up by now.  I feel grown up most of the time but Pipa and me can be so childish.

In November it will be mine and Pipa's 4th anniversary.  Most of the time i totally forget that we have been together so long  it can often seems like for ever to.  She is going to be 23 years old in April. When we are both being childish its hard to remember who is the oldest but i can not forget who is the smartest(not me).

Most of the time i feel much older than i am. We have a flat at we have lived in for the past three years and we lived in a privet let 6 months before that. In the 4 years that we have been together,  our love for each other has grown so much that we are getting Married next year (civil partnership)on our 5th anniversary(to the day).  We save and don't get any sort of credit.

Despite living like a 30 something most of the time i still find it hard to believe i am going to be 20 soon.   

Till next time 


Sam x x x 

Saturday 6 August 2011


I am really starting to get annoyed at some people in the uk i watched a program last night (had it recorded) called dying for a drink on BBC 1. I just cant believe how much people drink then the NHS has to repair them once they have destroyed them selfs and the doctors, Mp's and so on blame it on the prince of alcohol what about the rest of us who can control our selfs and only drink occasionally does that mean that we have to pay out the nose for alcohol they seem to blame the supermarkets but they don't blame the people who do that to them self's in the first place. When they get ill they expected the NHS to repair them again and again. Their are some who get repaired once and sort them self out but there are a lot who don't care and  end up dead or some who get liver transplants and drink again think for that person who died and the family gave you their liver i am not say it is easy because i don't know what it is like to be addicted but if your life is in danger wouldn't that push you to change and stop. On the program a brother and sister had been drinking heavily and the brother fell over and hurt his face had to get the stitched up then they left to go to the pub for a pint WTF??

till next time by

sam xx

Sunday 31 July 2011

It Actually Happening (Wedding) Part 1

My Girlfriend and Me are finally going to get Married (civil partnership) after nearly 3 years being engaged we are going to get married on our 5 anniversary in november 2012 started planing not got anything soiled yet but plan to in the next couple of months cant wait i will be 21 the month before so i have two things to look forward to now.

 its like we are already married but cant wait for it to be official and all that i never really wanted a big wedding as a kid but now i cant wait to have a nice wedding not to costly but not on the cheep either but we will have to watch as it will be us paying for it as we don't have family that cant help out with the cost but we are good savers and Philipa's good at finding bargain's but on good quality items we already know what we what and who to invite it will be small only about 25 people we are going to have jamie Pipa's nephew as paige boy he is so cute he will be 8 by then. 

 Pipa will be 23 but sometimes think she's a kid the way she acts but she also can be pretty grown up that said when we have a couple of bubbles we're like big kids i think the neighbours think were freaks but i can confirm are :D

 i told my mother about the wedding plans today on the phone i think she thought about bloody time but hey we are not all like her and my dad getting married after about 6-9 months together and than having a baby 5 months after and my mum never even known that she was up the duff with me :D that was hard to explain to the parents. 

All thing aside i really cant wait but will just have to :D a bit lost in the planing of it but Pipa is doing that i just need to say either yes or no when she ask's me questions on things.

will up date blog as we go along 

i will also still be writing about other things as well 

Till next time 


Sam x x x